Monday 12/09/24
**Late Start-Class Begins at 10:30**
3:45-6:00-PTO Christmas Wreath Decorating
6:00-PTO Meeting
Friday 12/13/24
Trent Spirit Friday-Wear Trent Shirts or Green!!!
Monday 12/16/24
**Late Start-Class Begins at 10:30**
Spirit Week Starts Today!! (See flyer below)
Santa vs Grinch Day
Tuesday 12/17/24
Deck the Hall
Wednesday 12/18/24
Festive Headwear
Thursday 12/19/24
Crazy Sock Day
Friday 12/20/24
The Polar Express
Monday 12/23/24
**First Day of Winter Break-
See you all next year!!**
Monday 1/06/25
Welcome Back!!
**Late Start-Class Begins at 10:30**